
Table Manners

Q : Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

A : Yes, I have. When I went to America, I went to the Mexican restaurant with my host family. And, I ate tacos at there. Then, I made little mistakes. Tacos wrapped with aluminium foil, and insert many mince cabbages. I opened aluminium foil and ate tacos with fork. But, When I opened the aluminium foil with fork, my host mother warned me. She said, " You don't need using the fork. Eat it with your hands. " I had little opposition to eat something with my hands. Because I don't soil my hands. But, I thought that it was not good to eat with tableware anytime. And, I understood that I should have lived on how to eat that matched the place.



Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii?

I think it is good idea. And, I want to experience like a massive wedding. Though I think It cost much money,but it will become a good wedding ceremony winning. Then, it will lives in my memory. I have never eloped with someone. But, I think It depends on time and a case. Some people may did runaway marriage with somebody.

I long for the wedding ceremony in the foreign country.
I want to experience the wedding at a place unlike Japan.

What is your ideal wedding? What would you definitely do or wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

My ideal wedding is not big wedding ceremony. My family and closely friends call, and fully enjoy the time. And, I would definitely wear pretty and an elaborate design dress. Then, I want to wear white, pink and red dress. Because these are my favorite colors.

The wedding ceremony is only once for life, so I want to be pretty .

Superstitions Homework

We talked about many superstitions in many countries, but do you think it is important to talk about them? Why?

I don't think so. Because It is different by each country, and it is not important to talk about them. And, There is not an opportunity to speak about the superstition with someone. I think that thus it is good if I know about superstitions in detail.

Is communication affected by superstitions?

No. I think Comunication doesn't affect by superstitions.
The superstition is not made good at communication, and it is not an influential thing.

Do you believe in Japanese superstitions? If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do , use, or believe in them?

No, I don't. But, there are many superstitions in Japan.
For example, when the heaese passed, hide own thumb.
This means If you don't so, you can't see on your parents's deathbed.

The other example, a black cat passed, unlucky things will happen.
A black cat is not a too lucky thing.

It is the free of the person whether you do not believe whether you believe it.
It may be done the reality if I believe a superstition. But, A superstition is persistently a superstition.



1. Time is money.

This means "Time is very important as same as money."
The flow of time doesn't stop. So, we must not waste and spend time.
If I postpone things that should do now, I will lose chance.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.

This is "You do early somethihg you should do, and save your time."
It is important to do everything . Then, you will become comfortable.

3. There's no time like the present.

I think This means "Never come like the present."
When I getting older, the time also change.
It isn't the present.

4. Fashionable late.

I don't understand this sentence.
But, maybe this means "It is the thing which was very popular in the time,
but it will become out of date in few years later.
Popular things are diffrent by each year.