
Family Life

a. When do children usually leave home?

I think most children usually leave home after graduated high school.
They can choose various way for themselves like go to college/university, go abroad, get the job etc.
But, some people leave home after graduated junior high school.
If the child excellent in sports, they may go to the famous high school that highest level in the sports.

b. How many people live in your home?

Four people including me live in my home.
But, I and my brother live by myself in other prefecture now.
So, only my parents live in there.

c. Do you have a head of the family?

Yes, I think my father is a head of my family.
When we have a problem, he decide or solve finally.

d. Who does the housework?

Mainly, my mother does it.
But, when my father is a holiday or she ask him to do the housework, he helps her.

e. Who runs the family?

I think my parents runs my family.
But, when my father has a work, my mother runs it.
And they also adopt the opinion of children.

f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?

I have 5 rooms in my house.
Each family has a room and sleep in there.


Names and Addresses

1. Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?

In Japan, when the people ate delicious foods, they say "Oishii" or "Umai” with big smile. Maybe..they don’t use gesture. But, Italy expresses their feelings by use gesture and say “Bono”.
When I went to America, I was surprised Americans cheerful attitude. There was nothing stiffness like Japanese. And they have many facial expressions. When they felt funny, they laugh with big smile.
But, Japanese sometimes put on an insincere smile.
I also use it..sorry.

I think almost feelings are same in the world. But, it is a little different by each country.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. (10 minimum)
Now write the English translation. 

悲しみ   sad, unhappy, sorrowful
深い悲しみ  grieve
怒り  anger, rage, angry, sore, mad
喜び  pleasure, delight, joy, happiness
興奮  excitement, fever
感動  move, touch, stir, feel
驚き  amaze, surprise
呆れる  shock, disgust
動揺する  disturbance, flutter, shock
同情する  sympathize, pity, feel
悔しがる  regrettable, chagrin, mortification
羨む  envy, jealous
辛い  hard, bitter, heavy
いらいらする  annoy, irritate
楽しい   happy, nice, pleasant

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

No, there are not.


Welcome Colgate University Students!

I talked with the Colgate University students who are twenty.
First, we talked about ourselves. She came from Shanghai that is to say her parents live in there. She lived in dormitory in her university. When I heard it, I couldn't believe. I also live in by myself in Hiroshima now and I often come back to my hometown. So I thought she is an independent peoson and enjoy her school life. I must follow her...
And she was belonging to track and field club and love running. Her school is famous for their sports proglams so I thought that the school matches her very much.

Then, we talked about part-time job. Most students worked at their university and she also worked there. I was surprised a little because we don't have place to work in my university. I couldn't imagine to work at University. Maybe her university must be very large.

I think this class was good oppotunity to exchange own opinion with other countries student. And I could know about diffrent culture. I thought that want to skill up my speaking ability.